中文版 E-mail: sales@zysentech.com

Service And Repair

For all items requiring service, regardless of warranty status, Zysen's QA department should be contacted for a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number. RMA number needs to be requested, you will need to provide the default report, which includes model number, serial number and as much information as possible about the nature of your difficulty. In addition, if a technical point of contact is available at the user's facility, please provide this individual's name and phone number should any further communications be necessary. Once the form has been completed and sent to Zysen’s QA department, you will be contacted within no more than two business days with an RMA number.



All products being returned to Zysen for repair must be shipped with the shipping charges prepaid. Items returned to Zysen from outside of the China must include two copies (one copy placed in shipping container, one copy affixed to the outside of shipping container) of a Proforma invoice which ONLY states “Repair unit, no commercial value, and declare USD5 for Custom value”.

Omission of this statement could result in the charge of duties and taxes, which in turn would have to be billed back to the buyer. Pls. advise us the tracking number after the parts is shipped

Whenever possible, the product should be shipped back to Zysen in the original packaging. Items subject to "in-warranty repair" will be returned to the buyer at no charge. The customer will be responsible for return shipping charges for items that are out of warranty or that have been mishandled in addition to the evaluation and repair charges as outlined below. For units returned and subsequently found to have no defects, an evaluation fee will be charged for any testing and processing regardless of warranty status.



Warranty repairs will be made at no cost to the customer. Units out of warranty or those, which have been mishandled, will require written approval from the buyer authorizing the repair charges prior to the repair being completed. Evaluation charges for an out of warranty or mishandled unit will be provided for components. Zysen will provide a cost estimate for any applicable repair charges. For those items which are determined to be beyond economical repair or where the buyer may decide against repairing the unit based on the cost estimate, the above specified evaluation fee will be charged. This evaluation fee may be applied toward the procurement of a replacement part.